Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Is it worth the risk?

Tonight, we held our book club at a playground, so of course we had to play before we chatted about the book. Smith Memorial Playground is famous for its big slide. It's pretty impressive.

Even though I was excited to try it out, I approached the slide with a good amount of trepidation. As kids, we all think we're invincible, and for the most part, we are. Kids can throw themselves around like there's no tomorrow and come out of most situations with merely scrapes and bruises. Until I was 28 I had never broken a bone. Now, my first thought to myself is always, "Is it worth the risk? Will I get injured?"

In this case, it turned out it was worth the risk. In that moment I reasoned that if little kids could do this slide, I certainly could too. I went down, head first, and enjoyed the ride.

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