Thursday, July 31, 2014

Everything's going to the cats!

The proper saying actually, is "Everything's going to the dogs", a saying meant to convey that everything's going downhill. That's not what I mean to connote with the title of this blog post.

I'm taking care of my friend's fabulous, cranky, amazing, judgmental, cute cat for the summer, and she's managed to take over my pillow each night, push books/computers/meals/anything out of the way for a chance to get in a lap, and have her humans on a tight schedule to feed her several small meals per day.

Today I tried to meditate and do yoga in the morning. The cat of course took over. Observe below.

In short, everything literally has gone to the cats - and I love it!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Lately I'm on the online challenge kick - 100 happy daysMoney Love CourseSimple Green Smoothie Challenge, etc. It seems like every wellness guru has crafted a special limited edition trial, which is perfect for someone like me who tends to get immersed in one area and then move onto another. My latest? Headspace. Yeah, I've tried meditating before, with limited success. Okay, if we're being honest, no success. I swear each meditation course made my heart beat even faster rather than creating this sense of calm. So I'm giving it a go. Who feels like they have a great method for getting some headspace?

Monday, July 28, 2014


When I was younger, time seemed to stretch on, endlessly. Well, that's not entirely true. Camp summers would simultaneously contain unlimited time and would end in the blink of an eye. Nowadays, my time is scheduled.

My calendar is continuously filled, and I still don't have enough time to see everyone I want to see and to do everything I want to do and to just have unstructured time. My head looks like this:

How do I create more time? My dear readers, if you are still with me (and I wouldn't blame you if you are not), please write in the comments below and let me know how you deal with time.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Getting older

Age is so relative, isn't it? Earlier this week, at the movies, I sat next to a pair of older ladies who seemed to be having a wonderful night out on the town. Granted afterwards one said loudly to the other, "I couldn't understand half of that movie" and they had some difficulty getting out of their seats, however on the whole, they made getting older not look half bad.