Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The snow day that wasn't/was/wasn't

This morning, I awoke and yes, I'll admit it - the first thing I did was to check Facebook (don't judge me!). I immediately noticed that every single one of my teacher friends had posted about the snow day...and I got very bitter. As I showered, I told myself that of course, this day would come. Just like the summer, when my friends were on vacation and I was working, of course the day would come when 95% of the people I know in Philly didn't have work...but I did.

Just then, my boss let me know that she was going to cancel all meetings and work from home. Joy returned to my heart. I got a snow day after all! Except...it wasn't. I still had to work. This whole "work from home" option means...I can still work. No matter what.

If you're a teacher, and you don't have students in front of you, of course you can grade and plan lessons, but you wouldn't be blamed for not doing work on a snow day. I realized today that my new job means that I will always have the ability to work. I realize that this applies to 99% of all jobs (am I just making up percentages in this blog or what??), yet it's still a shock to my system. The teacher mentality towards winter in general is that they are entitled to a couple of snow days per year. It's almost as if they believe that the universe owes them a couple. I can say this because I've been there, and possibly still am there. Who doesn't want a free day off?

However, working from home today wasn't all bad. I did get to brunch with some friends, play a couple games of bananagrams, and finally settle into work in my great great Aunt Mabel's rocking chair, looking out onto the snowy city.

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