Saturday, December 14, 2013

Now and Then

I remember watching this movie for the first time when I was in 7th grade. Even then, I longed for a simpler time. The girls rode their bikes without helmets, and bike locks weren't necessary. They had crazy adventures, and just seemed to wander the streets all day until it got dark, no questions asked. Best friends were just a signal away, and if they were summoned by flashlight, they would sneak out and meet up late at night. Especially when watching this movie again with girlfriends tonight, life in the early 70's seems very idyllic.

Then, I started thinking about my childhood. My best friend was just down the street. While we didn't sneak out of our houses (note, we did NOT sneak out of our houses), we did have crazy adventures sneaking around in the Bishop's Garden by the National Cathedral. We sang in treetops and spent hours at the local pool. We held fundraisers and put on musicals in my friend's backyard. Life didn't include any cell phones, computers or much TV at all (unless it was supervised by parents). In short, if a new "Now and Then" came out today, I bet that teenage girls would watch, probably while texting their friends, longing for that simpler time.

I realized in that moment that it's all just a matter of perspective.

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