Friday, May 31, 2013

And now....for the R6!

Being a SEPTA customer isn't always easy. Coming from Washington, DC where the metro runs fairly seamlessly, not to mention where the metro stations are very clean, the South Eastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority constantly seems to fall short.

However, on Thursday (yes, I'm seeming to be constantly falling behind on my blogging these days, so today you'll get Thursday and Friday's blogs), I had a slightly different SEPTA experience.

I was waiting for a regional rail, and instead of the usual robotic monotone announcements of the upcoming trains, a voice came from above, quivering with excitement.

"And now...the R8 to Chestnut Hill West is approaching, ladies and gentlemen!'s happening! Don't forget that this first car is a quiet car...SHHH!"

For each new train that would approach (and I heard my fair share, because mine was delayed), he would have a new note of excitement in his voice. I felt like I was at a major league sporting event. That definitely made all the difference in that moment.

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