Friday, September 20, 2013

Pure pride

Today, sitting on the Bolt Bus next to a man and his dog (another story to be told at another time), I received a phone call from a former student of mine. Normally I do not accept phone calls on the bus, but this was a different situation. This student had reached out to me for a job opportunity, and had applied to an internship position in one of the gardening crews at my organization. I knew that our funding had been cut and that there were fewer positions than ever to be filled. Despite the fact that he had been so proactive and professional, I wasn't optimistic about his chances. When he called the other day, so excited about his interview, I felt terrible that he might get his hopes up for nothing.

"Tr. Julie?" he said. I said hello, tried to read the tone in his voice, and braced myself to mentor him through the disappointment. "So...I got the job!" In that moment, I practically yelled my congratulations into the phone (much to the dismay of my fellow passengers). I couldn't help it - I was so proud. 

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