Sunday, June 16, 2013

My succinct, supportive father

Today I thought about my dad a great deal, it being Father's Day and all. He also sent me one of his infamous one liner text messages:

Thanks. Love you.

My dad is extremely succinct (to say the least) when it comes to written communication. He's the guy who writes one line emails without a signature at the end, such as:

(No Subject)

When are you coming home?

It's a bit abrupt. I always laugh at how my father and mother are complete opposites when it comes to written communication. My mother writes much longer emails, and always signs them LOVE, Mom. I appreciate the balance.

However, albeit concise, he is an incredibly supportive, devoted Dad. This week has been a roller coaster for me, and he sent me this text message:

Good luck. Whatever happens you should feel proud. Love you.

Now we are in the age of text messages and emails, and phone conversations are becoming more and more rare. Yet in that moment, I thought about the fact that my dad always finds a way, no matter how brief, to show me that he's rooting for me. 

Happy Father's Day!

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