Friday, October 4, 2013

The magic of palm trees

* This is a post originally meant for Thursday, however, by the time I got to bed here in California - (yes, I'm in California!) it was 3 am last night!!

I remember when I first moved to California for college. I couldn't stop gushing about the palm tree right outside my room. In fact, if I'm totally honest, seeing palm trees all around the gorgeous college campus of Occidental College may have constituted 90 % of my decision to attend. What is it about palm trees, I wonder? They just seem so exotic and other-worldly compared to the maples, birches, pines and oaks of the East Coast. Palm trees seem to scream adventure and paradise to me.

Of course I was devastated when I learned that palm trees are really not native to California, and that they are all transplanted here. However, that didn't totally take away the magic.

It's now been 6 years since I've lived in California. Coming back here for one of my best friends from college's wedding, I still got that jolt of excitement when I walked out of the airport and saw my palm trees.

See how they beautify even an airport?? Maybe it's an obsession that will never go away!

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