Monday, September 1, 2014

Back to School

Labor Day marks the true annual landmark of school starting. I've been going back to school for a long time. Even as an adult, I managed to go back to school for quite a while as a teacher. In June I always felt huge relief and accomplishment at finishing the school year, and in September I always felt absolute terror and dread at the idea of the first day of school. By the way, I've been told by several teachers who have been teaching for twenty years and more that this first day of school feeling never completely goes away.

So my past two Labor Days have been a bit odd. My organization still works in schools, so I definitely pay attention to the school calendar. Yet I work year round. So I am left with a mixture of feelings come Labor Day. I wonder where the summer has gone, since part of me still feels it's not a summer when I haven't spent it in Maine and Louisiana. I'm happy I don't feel the impending pressure of a school year, yet it's also an adrenaline rush that I sort of miss. In this game of life, my year simply keeps going. Summer and spring break don't mean much anymore, and part of me does wish I was going back to school in some fashion.

For those of you this applies to, good luck in school, ladies and gentleman!

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