Wednesday, February 12, 2014

No Other Dish The Same: Shrimp Tacos with Grapefruit Salsa

My friend came for the weekend, so naturally we needed to make guacamole. We always have plenty o' guacamole.

We thought guacamole would pair well with tacos. This salsa recipe looked nice and refreshing for a wintery night.

I've decided I don't have enough grapefruit in my life!

We used shrimp instead of fish...

...and substituted mushrooms and CSA greens for the cabbage.

Ooh - exciting news! My friend got me a rice cooker, and I used it for the first time! This is me wondering if my recipe aversion will prohibit me from using it.

Yet this was all it took....

For my rice to become this! SOOO wonderful!

It was a simple, delicious dinner (well, what we could eat of it after devouring a bowlful of guacamole). The salsa was a bit on the bitter side. Any suggestions?


  1. That rice cooker looks like a great size....all the ones I've seen are so big, I would be eating rice all month! How long did it take to cook the rice?

  2. I thought it would be too small at first, but it is the perfect size! It took about 45 minutes, so the key is to just start it earlier than everything else.

  3. Honey, grapefruit IS bitter ;)... maybe dump in a ton of sugar to counteract??
