Saturday, June 29, 2013

Where's my rainbow?

I'm not even sure if this blog will post, considering my Internet is hanging by a thread as I type from Maine. Ah yes, I'm in Maine for the week - glorious, stunning, grand state of Maine. Driving up here today, my parents and I kept literally driving into pouring rain, alternating with sunlight. We kept asking, "Where's our rainbow?" over and over as we searched the sky. My thought in that moment was almost that nature owed us a rainbow. After all, the rain certainly made the already very long drive even longer. However, then I looked at the sky again, and realized it was stunning in its own right. The dark and stormy clouds against the brilliant sunlight was enough.

Once I stopped looking for rainbows to almost make up for the more difficult parts of the day, a truly stunning rainbow appeared (picture to come with better Internet soon). It's always truly about the journey. I have a feeling I'll keep learning that lesson over and over and over again. 

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